The Finals Save File Location - Everything You Need to Know

Larissa updated on Jan 04, 2024 to Computer Instruction | How-to Articles

The Finals save file location is critical if you want to save the game progress. Knowing the save and config file location makes it easy for people to keep the progress and game configurations. Learn the path of the Finals save file location and config file in this article.

Key Takeaways:

  • ✅The Finals Save File and Config File keeps the game progress and important values to run the customized configurations.
  • ✅Save and Config files are hidden inside a folder called AppData. It is located in the "C:\Users\[Username]" path.
  • ✅Usually, the AppData folder is hidden, and to enable it, you have to check the View > Show > Hidden items.
  • ✅The best way to protect your Save and Config files is to make a backup of them using and professional backup tool like EaseUS Todo Backup and restore whenever you need.

The Finals is finally released, offering erratic gameplay combining looks, abilities, gadgets, buildings, and many more. It's filled with destruction, fighting, competing, plenty of cash, and high stakes to win the game. What becomes important in such games is the game save and config files. They keep track of your game progress and configurations to run the game smoothly. So, if you are wondering where the Finals save file location is, this article is for you.

Where to Find the Finals Save File Location

Let us directly dive into the path for the Finals save file location. The GameSave/Save files generally exist in the AppData. Below is the path to access the Save File location.

  • C:/Users/[Username]/AppData/Local/Discovery/Saved/SaveGames

✏️Note: The [Username] is your computer username, and you must open the folder with your username.  

A common problem a few users face is finding the AppData folder. If you cannot find the AppData, click the dropdown beside the View and check the hidden items to access the folder.

How to Locate the Finals Config File Location

The Config file keeps all the customization values to run the game smoothly. It is equally important to keep the game's progress as the Save File. Here is the path to access the Config File location.

  • C:/Users/[Username]/AppData/Local/Discovery/Saved/Config/WindowsClient

You can see a file named "GameUserSettings", which holds the data to run the game configurations. Use any editor to open it, and you can also make changes to it.

📖 You may be interested: Backup Game Saves on PS4 | Baldur's Gate 3 Save File Location

Bonus: Backup The Finals Save Files on Windows PC

Ask a gamer who lost his game progress how important the Save and Config Files are. If you have lost your Save Files, you will lose your game progress midway and have to restart the game from the start. The same is the case with the Config files; they have the values to manage the game configurations and run the game according to them. A lot of times, due to hard drive failure or some computer emergency, you can face data loss.

The best way to save your Save and Config files data is to backup PC game saves with the reliable data backup software, EaseUS Todo Backup Free. This way, irrespective of data loss threats, you can still restore the game's progress whenever you want. With EaseUS, you can schedule the backup once, and the software automatically updates the game changes and progress daily or weekly. Along with the advanced backup options, you can clone or create images of the folders or backup the entire system to safeguard all the data on the computer. EaseUS Todo Backup can be used to back up almost all games on Steam, like Hogwarts Legacy, the Sim, GTA V, COD Modern Warfare 2, Portal/Portal 2, etc.

Key Features of EaseUS Todo Backup to backup game saves:

  • Supports save backups on local drives, cloud services, and network locations.
  • Offers advanced backup and scheduling options.
  • Comes with differential and incremental backup to save only changed files each time, which is time-saving and space-saving.
  • Allows you to back up all game saves with its File Backup or APP Backup feature.

Now, download this robust game file backup tool to keep the safety of the Finals saves.

Step 1. Click "Select backup contents" to initiate a backup.

Step 2. There are four data backup categories, File, Disk, OS, and Mail, click File.

Step 3. Local and network files will be displayed on the left side. You may extend the directory to choose which files to back up.

Step 4. Select the location where you want to store the backup by following the on-screen instructions.

Click "Options" to encrypt the backup with a password in "Backup Options," and to setup a backup schedule and choose to initiate a backup at a certain event in "Backup Scheme." There are a variety of other customization options available for the backup process.

Step 5. You may save the backup to a local disk, EaseUS' online service, or a NAS.

Step 6. EaseUS Todo Backup enables customers to back up data to a third-party cloud drive and its own cloud drive.

If you want to back up data to a third-party cloud drive, choose Local Drive, scroll down to add Cloud Device, add your account, and then log in.

You can also save backups to EaseUS's cloud storage service. Sign up for an EaseUS Account and log in after clicking EaseUS Cloud.

Step 7. To begin backup, click "Backup Now" Once the backup process has been finished, it will be shown as a card on the panel's left side. To further manage a backup job, right-click it.

The Wrapping Up

Knowing where the Finals save file location is critical. It stores the game progress, and the Config files are the important values. In this post, we will lead you on the path to finding the Game Save and Config files. Some instances may cause data loss on your system, resulting in loss of Save Files and, in turn, losing the whole game progress. The best way to deal with such incidents is to create a backup of the Save and Config Files using a reliable backup tool like EaseUS Todo Backup.

FAQs about the Finals Save File Location

1. Where can I download the finals on my computer?

The Finals is available to download on PC. Since it is a Steam game, you have to download the Steam app on your PC. Later, search for the game on Steam and download it.

2. Does the finals have controller support?

Yes, the Finals offers moderate adaptivity for peripheral devices like controllers to allow players to choose preferred controller methods. 

3. What engine did the finals use?

The makers of Embark Studios take advantage of the Unreal Engine to build the world of the Finals. They have built an exceptional world with heavily destructible designs, weaponry, sets, and many more things that are fun to manoeuvre.